
Starting Simple Eco Life

I recently returned from a 6 weeks trip to Japan.

It was a real WOW to know that the Japanese public offices, companies and individuals have been working so hard to contribute to the global warming issues.

Every day, there were full of topics regarding the green effects in the newspapers. There were visitors from Africa, Europe and Asia to Japan in order to exchange information regarding the global warming issues. There were so many eco-friendly activities held by the Japanese governmental offices and the individuals on daily basis.

Frankly speaking, I felt the U.S. is so behind regarding the contribution to the green effects.
Do we get enough information from all over the world regarding the global warming issues?

In Japan, garbage services are local public services.
While staying in Japan, I followed the details requirement how to sort my household garbage every day.
It was another surprise to know that the Japanese local offices have been recycling more than 90% of the household garbage collected. After achieving the high percentage of recycling, the Japanese public offices have moved their focus from recycling to reducing the amount of gargabe first.

After coming back home in the U.S., I sincerely wanted to start to contribute to the global warming issues.

I am going to live simple eco-friendly life and plant more green.

Wishing our mother earth be green and peaceful for the coming generations.

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